The amount of disinformation and useless bullshit we are blasted with by media whores is astonishing. Do we really need so much gossip about unfaithful billionaires and their gold-digging vapid hussies? Are you really that interested in the size of some plastic fantastic surgically enhanced female’s derriere? I often wonder if the collective journalistic brain is simply incapable of captivating the public’s interest with something truly inspiring and useful to our lives and the world in general.
If I were to mention anything about elite rulers hellbent on disseminating a massive global media smoke screen to keep everyone overwhelmed & confused, I would certainly be shoved into the “conspiracy theorist” bin. It seems that anyone dissatisfied with the current state of affairs is immediately cast aside as a discontent miserable soul who is not taking their prescribed pharmaceuticals. But, I recall an old quote by Jim Morrison: “Whoever controls the media, controls the mind.”
Another quote from Malcolm X said: “The media’s the most powerful entity on earth. They have the power to make the innocent guilty and to make the guilty innocent, and that’s power. Because they control the minds of the masses.” So, I am not alone in expressing my concerns. We must go beyond all this global media gibberish and discern for ourselves what are the essential priorities, we need to educate ourselves and inspire others to do the same. Create a fresh breeze of creative research, developing sustainable solutions for this spinning watery lava rock we call Earth. All we have is this present moment, which determines our future, and although others may see it as a grim post-apocalyptic novel, who is to say that some of us will make a difference, creating a bright path towards a brilliantly progressive, organically aware existence, with endless possibilities. May the Supreme Supersoul (*Paramatma) living within each one of us (and every atom), inspire and enlighten our hearts with eternal bliss and divine wisdom. OM TAT SAT
(*The Absolute Truth exists in three phases: Brahman, Paramatama, and Bhagavan. Paramatma is GOD’s expansion as the Supersoul within our heart.
The Vedic sages distinguish between the Supersoul and the small individual soul. Both reside within the heart, but one is infinite, the other infinitesimal. The soul, the tiny spark of consciousness within, is our true self—eternal, blissful, and wise. But it is small, and so it may get lost in illusion and entangled in material life.
But the Supersoul, great and infinite, is ever beyond illusion.) ~ an overview from Krishna.com.