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in divi duo



No se de que se trata este sitio webero,

pero tiene que ver con un grito,

no tanto de odio, sino de alegría,

celebrando en esta obscuridad,

como una brillante llamarada,

que al dejar sus huellas en la retina,

graba su voz en nuestra conciencia.



Busco representar y compartir contigo, algunas de las cosas que me inspiran.

Un intercambio con todos los seres que han compartido la experiencia de sus vidas conmigo.

Muchas de estas paginas estan aun en forma de boceto, esperando ser pulidas a medida que el tiempo me lo permita.






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| pizarron |



What's up?

I don't quite know what this site is about yet,

but it has to do with a shout,

not so much of anger, but of joy,

celebrating in this vast darkness of space,

like a brilliant flame which,

as it leaves it's prints on the retina,

engraves it's voice into our conscience.



I seek to represent and share with you, some of the things which inspire me.

On offering or cultural exchange with all the beings which have shared their life experiences with me.

Many of these pages are still in sketch form, awaiting to be shaped as time permits.


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